Eingeladen von Beatrize Fazi, die ich im Oktober auf unserer Mini-Tagung „Re-Thinking Computation“ kennengelernt habe, halte ich am Donnerstag, den 28. Februar im Sussex Humanities Lab der University of Sussex (Brighton) einen Vortrag zum Thema „Silicon, a Medium within Media“:
Because of its physical properties, glass offers irresistible possibilities for metaphor and its use in the arts as such has been ubiquitous for centuries. Glass also serves as the substrate of modern media technology – especially the compounds silicon dioxide and its element silicon are used in digital media for computing purposes. Though the transparency of glass as a topic is used on the media‘s surfaces as a metaphor for differend kinds of transparency, the material glass on the subfaces, that actually is transparent, promotes the opacity of the apparatuses and their processes. In my talk I want to open this „transparent black box“ to give an insight in the usage of glass, its compounds and derivates within digital media. I want to answer the question where media science (that differs from media studies) should start its investigations about the storage, transfer, and process of information – when information becomes energy and matter, located within crystal grids.
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