»Rub the fucking snake!«

Dracula Exotica (USA 1981, Shaun Costello) (VHS)


Der Autor von criticonline.com fasst die überaus komplexe Handlung des Films gut zusammen. Ich erlaube mir, ihn ihm Volltext zu zitieren:

When Count Dracula (Jamie Gillis, who has never been better) falls in love with local girl Surka (Samantha Fox), everything seems fine and dandy. When his family forbids him to marry her because of his social standing, he becomes very depressed and while at a party/orgy (with an obligatory cameo by Ron Jeremy as a party guest who gets a blowjob while juggling three apples!) gets drunk and rapes Surka. She commits suicides and Dracula curses himself to never be accepted by God or the Devil, therefore turning himself into a vampire (a novel concept on the vampire mythology). Cut to 1980 and Castle Dracula is turned into a tourist attraction. Dracula spots a tourist named Sally (Fox again) who is the spitting image of his long-lost Surka. What Dracula doesn’t know is that Sally is an undercover agent for the F.I.B. (no, I spelled it right). Dracula gets a visa to travel to America where he hopes to get Sally to fall in love with him. The Americans think he is a Russian agent and assign Sally to keep her eye on him. While on the ship to America, Dracula spots Vita Valdez (the incomparable Vanessa Del Rio) making a drug deal with three thugs. After a four-way sex scene, Dracula kills the thugs and puts the bite on Vita, asking her as he sinks his teeth into her flesh: „Can you type?“ When she replies: „Yes. Fifty words a minute.“, Dracula bites her in places that only you and I can dream of. Vita becomes Dracula’s secretary in the States while Sally keeps a close eye on him. What Dracula doesn’t realize is that his trusted sidekick Renfrew (a hilarious Gordon G. Duvall) is a traitor and is reporting all the Count’s moves to the government. There’s also a police detective (Mark Dexter) who is trying to solve a series of murders where the bodies of the victims are drained of blood. In the end, the good Count does get Sally to love him and they both turn into doves (!), flying into the sunset.

Der Schluss mit den Tauben fehlt mir leider – das Band war zu Ende bevor es der Film war. Dennoch kann ich mich der Bewunderung voll anschließen: Die Adaption Stoker’scher Roman-Motive und ihre Übertragung einerseits in die Gegenwart (der 1980er Jahre), andererseits in die Pornografie gelingt dem Film überaus gut. Anders als „Lust at first Bite“ geht „Dracula Exotica“ das Komische dabei aber vollständig ab. Aufgrund des narrativen Übergewichts, der schauspielerischen Leistungen und vor allem des enormen Aufwands, der für Ausstattung und Kostüme betrieben wurde, muss der Film stilistisch vielmehr in die Riege der 70er-Jahre-Edelpornos einsortiert werden. Dass er auf 35 mm gedreht wurde, unterstreicht diese Annahme.


Über Stefan Höltgen

siehe: http://about.me/hoeltgen
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